A fine needlework casket embroidered with scenes from the life of Joseph, the lid with Joseph relating his dreams to his parents and brethren, the doors with Joseph brought before Pharaoh to interpret his dreams, the back panel with Joseph being put down the pit by his bretheren, the lefthand side with the incident of Potiphar's wife who tried to seduce him, the righthand side with Joseph thrown into prison by Potiphar--13in. (33cm.) high, English, circa 1660See Front Cover

A fine needlework casket embroidered with scenes from the life of Joseph, the lid with Joseph relating his dreams to his parents and brethren, the doors with Joseph brought before Pharaoh to interpret his dreams, the back panel with Joseph being put down the pit by his bretheren, the lefthand side with the incident of Potiphar's wife who tried to seduce him, the righthand side with Joseph thrown into prison by Potiphar--13in. (33cm.) high, English, circa 1660See Front Cover
William Kidney, died 1748
Walter Coles, 1738-1813, Deputy Warden of the Goldsmith's Company, who left it to his niece Mary Bentley, of Croxley House, who died in 1855 leaving it to her sister Elizabeth, wife of Humphry Cornewall Woolrych, 1761-1816, of Croxley House, Hertfordshire.
Then it passed via Humphrey William Woolrych 1795-1871, Sergeant-at-Law,
William Richard Woolrych 1837-1915
Humphry Stephen Woolrych, 1867-1946
Humphry Collis Woolrych,1893-1969
to the vendor

Lot Essay

Book of Genesis, Chapter 37 verses 5-10, 20 -24; Chapter 39: verses 7-19, 20-23 and Chapter 41 verses 14-57

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