BAYLE, Pierre (1647-1706). Dictionaire Historique et Critique... cinquieme edition... avec la vie de l'auteur. Amsterdam, Leiden, The Hague and Utrecht: P. Brunel [and others], 1740. Half-titles. Titles in red and black with engraved vignettes. [With:] Jacques Georges de CHAUFEPI (1702-1786). Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, pour servir de supplment ou de continuation au dictionnaire... de Mr. Pierre Bayle. Amsterdam, The Hague and Leiden: Z.Chatelain [and others], 1750-1756. 4 volumes. Half-titles. Titles in red and black with engraved vignettes. 2 works in 8 volumes, 2o (410 x 353 mm). Uniform 19th-century red morocco gilt, covers with triple fillet and dog-tooth roll border, spines in six compartments, lettered in the second and third, the remainder with repeat pattern of rolls and small tools surrounding a central flower spray, gilt turn-ins, marbled endpapers, g.e. (occasional very light scuffing to spine and bottom edges of covers). Provenance: Charles Tennant (armorial bookplate for 'The Glen' library). Brunet I,712 and 1826. [With:] [Ph.-L. JOLY]. Remarques critiques sur le dictionnnaire de Bayle. Paris & Dijon: 1752-1748. 2 volumes in one, 2o (398 x 256mm). Titles in red and black. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt with red morocco lettering-piece (joints slightly split). Fifth edition of the first work (including Des Maizeaux's life of Bayle), first edition of the second, the third a mixed edition. (9)

BAYLE, Pierre (1647-1706). Dictionaire Historique et Critique... cinquieme edition... avec la vie de l'auteur. Amsterdam, Leiden, The Hague and Utrecht: P. Brunel [and others], 1740. Half-titles. Titles in red and black with engraved vignettes. [With:] Jacques Georges de CHAUFEPI (1702-1786). Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, pour servir de supplment ou de continuation au dictionnaire... de Mr. Pierre Bayle. Amsterdam, The Hague and Leiden: Z.Chatelain [and others], 1750-1756. 4 volumes. Half-titles. Titles in red and black with engraved vignettes. 2 works in 8 volumes, 2o (410 x 353 mm). Uniform 19th-century red morocco gilt, covers with triple fillet and dog-tooth roll border, spines in six compartments, lettered in the second and third, the remainder with repeat pattern of rolls and small tools surrounding a central flower spray, gilt turn-ins, marbled endpapers, g.e. (occasional very light scuffing to spine and bottom edges of covers). Provenance: Charles Tennant (armorial bookplate for 'The Glen' library). Brunet I,712 and 1826. [With:] [Ph.-L. JOLY]. Remarques critiques sur le dictionnnaire de Bayle. Paris & Dijon: 1752-1748. 2 volumes in one, 2o (398 x 256mm). Titles in red and black. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt with red morocco lettering-piece (joints slightly split). Fifth edition of the first work (including Des Maizeaux's life of Bayle), first edition of the second, the third a mixed edition. (9)

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