used 1857-77 Embossed, 1st. Issue, white laid paper 1/6d., 3/-, 4/- and £1 on one piece, 2/- and £5 all with manuscript cancels; pale blue-green wove paper 2/- in combination with yellow wove 10/- on piece, 4/- (2) on pieces and 4/- rejoined pair, all with oval Arms cachet; pale blue-green wove paper 1/6d. and 4/-, pale brown wove paper 1/6d., yellow wove paper 10/- and deep rose wove paper £1, each with postal cancellation

used 1857-77 Embossed, 1st. Issue, white laid paper 1/6d., 3/-, 4/- and £1 on one piece, 2/- and £5 all with manuscript cancels; pale blue-green wove paper 2/- in combination with yellow wove 10/- on piece, 4/- (2) on pieces and 4/- rejoined pair, all with oval Arms cachet; pale blue-green wove paper 1/6d. and 4/-, pale brown wove paper 1/6d., yellow wove paper 10/- and deep rose wove paper £1, each with postal cancellation