1854-1912, the mostly used collection in three albums and two stockbooks, including 1854 imperf. 1d. (11, two with red pmks.), 1854-55 imperf. 4d. (13, four being with official punch holes), 1/- (two unused and one with neat blue "2" numeral), 1857-59 imperf. 2d. (3), 6d. (5, one being possibly unused), 1860-64 imperf. 2d. (15), 4d. (2 unused), 6d. (2), 1861 issue with fine range of perf. types, values to 1/- (13, two being with official punch holes), 1863-64 6d. (15), 1864-79 with mint to 4d. (5 singles, pair and strip of three), 1/- (2 handstamped "SPECIMEN"), the used to 6d. (47), 1/- (29 singles and block of four), 1876-81 4d. (2), 1882-85 mint with 1d. (2), 6d., good range of used with perf. 12x14 1d. (3), perf. 12 4d. (16), 6d. (12), 1888 mint 4d. pair and single, 1895 surcharges in red and green ½d. on 1½d. (2 mint, also mint reprint on CA paper), etc. with similar fine ranges of later issues including 1902-12 to 10/- (3 mint, 4 used), £1 (2 mint, 4 used), etc., Internal Revenues with 1881 master die proof, Telegraphs, etc.; the condition of the earlier issues somewhat mixed but the later material mostly fine. A most interesting lot worthy of careful inspection. (many hundreds)

1854-1912, the mostly used collection in three albums and two stockbooks, including 1854 imperf. 1d. (11, two with red pmks.), 1854-55 imperf. 4d. (13, four being with official punch holes), 1/- (two unused and one with neat blue "2" numeral), 1857-59 imperf. 2d. (3), 6d. (5, one being possibly unused), 1860-64 imperf. 2d. (15), 4d. (2 unused), 6d. (2), 1861 issue with fine range of perf. types, values to 1/- (13, two being with official punch holes), 1863-64 6d. (15), 1864-79 with mint to 4d. (5 singles, pair and strip of three), 1/- (2 handstamped "SPECIMEN"), the used to 6d. (47), 1/- (29 singles and block of four), 1876-81 4d. (2), 1882-85 mint with 1d. (2), 6d., good range of used with perf. 12x14 1d. (3), perf. 12 4d. (16), 6d. (12), 1888 mint 4d. pair and single, 1895 surcharges in red and green ½d. on 1½d. (2 mint, also mint reprint on CA paper), etc. with similar fine ranges of later issues including 1902-12 to 10/- (3 mint, 4 used), £1 (2 mint, 4 used), etc., Internal Revenues with 1881 master die proof, Telegraphs, etc.; the condition of the earlier issues somewhat mixed but the later material mostly fine. A most interesting lot worthy of careful inspection. (many hundreds)