A White Jade Footed Bowl and Cover
18th Century
Raised on four shallow ruyi-head supports, the rounded sides carved with a diaper ground between a band of petal lappets below a broad ruyi collar above, interrupted by a pair of butterfly handles suspending fixed rings, the domed cover with a similar diaper and ruyi collar band below four loose rings suspending looped insect bodies at the base of a hollowed blossom finial, the translucent stone of pale greenish-white tone
5.5/8in. (14.3cm.) across handles, wood stand, box
18th Century
Raised on four shallow ruyi-head supports, the rounded sides carved with a diaper ground between a band of petal lappets below a broad ruyi collar above, interrupted by a pair of butterfly handles suspending fixed rings, the domed cover with a similar diaper and ruyi collar band below four loose rings suspending looped insect bodies at the base of a hollowed blossom finial, the translucent stone of pale greenish-white tone
5.5/8in. (14.3cm.) across handles, wood stand, box