1860-1960, a comprehensive mint and used collection on album leaves including 1860 10k. used (2, one on piece, both good/fine), 1918 selection of local issues for Brzeziny, Grodzisc and Kalisz, 1918-19 Republic issues with "POCZTA/POLSKA" overprints to 4k. (including 30h. used) and a few with inverted surcharges or overprints, "Rzp./Polska" overprint on Austria Arms to 10k., 1918-60 Regional and General issues virtually complete with miniature sheets and a good section of Special Purpose stamps, also German Occupation W.W.I. (9, some signed), Local Post issues of 1916-18, Post Offices in Levant, Danzig and Polish Occupation of Lithuania 1920 practically complete (surcharges offered without guarantee). A splendid lot worthy of close examination. (several thousand)

1860-1960, a comprehensive mint and used collection on album leaves including 1860 10k. used (2, one on piece, both good/fine), 1918 selection of local issues for Brzeziny, Grodzisc and Kalisz, 1918-19 Republic issues with "POCZTA/POLSKA" overprints to 4k. (including 30h. used) and a few with inverted surcharges or overprints, "Rzp./Polska" overprint on Austria Arms to 10k., 1918-60 Regional and General issues virtually complete with miniature sheets and a good section of Special Purpose stamps, also German Occupation W.W.I. (9, some signed), Local Post issues of 1916-18, Post Offices in Levant, Danzig and Polish Occupation of Lithuania 1920 practically complete (surcharges offered without guarantee). A splendid lot worthy of close examination. (several thousand)