The Comte de Cambis's racehorse, Giges, with jockey up; A Hunter in the Bois de Boulogne; The Comte de Casquin de Normandie's grey hunter rearing up in a landscape; The Famous Pergamon and Fidelis; and A loose post horse in a landscape
Jonny Audy (fl.1840-1880)
The Comte de Cambis's racehorse, Giges, with jockey up; A Hunter in the Bois de Boulogne; The Comte de Casquin de Normandie's grey hunter rearing up in a landscape; The Famous Pergamon and Fidelis; and A loose post horse in a landscape
all signed 'Jonny' (lower right) and one dated '1844' (lower right) and inscribed 'Gige's cheval etalon/de course francois appartenant au Comte de Cambis pour le Duc de Nemour'; 'Cheval de chasse au bois de Boulogne a M. Lord Seymour...'; 'Cheval appartenant Le comte de Casquin/de Normandie'; 'Le Fameux Pergamon et Fidelis [?] au comte de Cambis qui...[?]...au Champmars. Le 28 Avril 1844. Croquis D'apres/nature a Meudon le 27 avant' respectively on the reverse
6 x 10½ in. (15.2 x 26.6 cm.); 5¾ x 9¼ in. (14.6 x 23.5 cm.); 6¾ x 9¼ in. (17.2 x 23.5 cm.); 5¾ x 8¾ in. (14.6 x 22.6 cm.); and 5¾ x 9¾ in. (14.6 x 24.7 cm.)
five in the lot (5)
The Comte de Cambis's racehorse, Giges, with jockey up; A Hunter in the Bois de Boulogne; The Comte de Casquin de Normandie's grey hunter rearing up in a landscape; The Famous Pergamon and Fidelis; and A loose post horse in a landscape
all signed 'Jonny' (lower right) and one dated '1844' (lower right) and inscribed 'Gige's cheval etalon/de course francois appartenant au Comte de Cambis pour le Duc de Nemour'; 'Cheval de chasse au bois de Boulogne a M. Lord Seymour...'; 'Cheval appartenant Le comte de Casquin/de Normandie'; 'Le Fameux Pergamon et Fidelis [?] au comte de Cambis qui...[?]...au Champmars. Le 28 Avril 1844. Croquis D'apres/nature a Meudon le 27 avant' respectively on the reverse
6 x 10½ in. (15.2 x 26.6 cm.); 5¾ x 9¼ in. (14.6 x 23.5 cm.); 6¾ x 9¼ in. (17.2 x 23.5 cm.); 5¾ x 8¾ in. (14.6 x 22.6 cm.); and 5¾ x 9¾ in. (14.6 x 24.7 cm.)
five in the lot (5)