Dinky Drawings - Accessories
JOBS:7690 and 7691 International Road Signs, JOBS:7434 and 7437 'Esso" Petrol Pump Station and Assembly and eight related drawings, JOBS:13621 (13621A), 13624 and 13625 Goods Yard Crane, MEMO No. 20008 Dinky Toys Price Label and forty-five drawings for various transfers, axles, rivets, wheels, tyres and five Hornby Dublo component drawings (66)
JOBS:7690 and 7691 International Road Signs, JOBS:7434 and 7437 'Esso" Petrol Pump Station and Assembly and eight related drawings, JOBS:13621 (13621A), 13624 and 13625 Goods Yard Crane, MEMO No. 20008 Dinky Toys Price Label and forty-five drawings for various transfers, axles, rivets, wheels, tyres and five Hornby Dublo component drawings (66)
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