Margherita (1851-1926), bronzo dorato (1), 29mm., opus L Giorgi; bronzo argentato (3), 51mm., opus Thermignon; 60mm., opus Pasinati; 61mm., opus Motti; e bronzo (6), incl. 60mm., opus Affer; e grande placca (1), 185mm., opus Affer, BB-SPL (11)
Special notice
Lot consigned for sale by a "private" vendor.
Hammer price
Buyer's net premium (17.5% or 13%)
20% of the buyer's net premium - (VAT)
refundable if the exportation of the purchase is documented within 3 months of the sale date.
Not applicable for VAT registered buyers who are resident in the EU
3% of the hammer price
Non refundable