[BASEL IMPRINTS]. MACER FLORIDUS [pseud, ODO of MEUNG ?]. De herbarum virtutibus Aemilii Macri Veronensis. Basel, 1581; PICTORIUS, GEORG. Marbodei Galli Poetae Vetustissimi Dactylotheca... Basel, 1555; PICTORIUS. Continens Omnium Fermè quadrupedum aurium piscium serpentum... Basel, 1563. Adams P-1166; PICTORIUS. De Illorum Daemonum... Basel, 1563; REUSNER, NICOLAUS. Polyanthea, siue Paradisus Poeticus... Basel, 1578. All Heinrich Petri. 5 works in one vol., 8vo, 149 x 98 mm., contemporary vellum, spine ink lettered i -- PLINIUS SECUNDUS, GAIUS. Historia mundi [ed. D. Erasmus, with the Castigationes of Sigismund Gelen], Basel: Froben and N. Episcopus, 1555. Folio, 370 x 250 mm., contemporary German blindstamped pigskin, upper cover with author's name, owner's initials "M.B." and date 1559, lightly worn, brown stain to upper margin of some leaves, numerous early marginalia in a neat hand, fine engraved portrait of Erasmus dated 1555 tipped to back pastedown, woodcut device on title and at end, woodcut capitals. Adams P1573. -- RUELLE, JEAN DE LA. De natura stirpium libri tres, Basel: In Officina Frobeniana, 1537. Folio, 320 x 221 mm., seventeenth-century vellum boards, gilt-lettered title on spine, edges speckled red, tear to base of spine, fore-margin of title reinforced with paper, light browning and scattered foxing. Woodcut device on title and last leaf, woodcut initials. Reprint of the Paris, 1536 first edition. Adams R873. Early library stamp on title; KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- BAUHIN, JEAN. De plantis a divis sanctis've nomen habentibus...epistolae a Casparo Bauhino [by C. Gesner]. Basel: C. Waldkirch, 1591. 8vo, 158 x 100 mm., later paper boards, worn, spine loose, effaced stamp on title margin. FIRST EDITION of a treatise on plants named after the saints. Woodcut device on last leaf. Hunt 162 ("a curious little treatise"). -- MUNDELLA, LUIGI. Epistolae medicinales...annotationes in Antonii Brasavolae simplicium medicamentorum, Basel, Isingrin, [c. 1550]. 8vo, 164 x 98 mm., contemporary blind-panelled calf, rebacked and edges renewed, edges stained blue, minor marginal dampstains. Second edition, expanded from the 1543 first printing, with the commentaries on Brassavola first published in 1537. Durling 3225. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- SCHWENKFELT, CASPAR. Thesaurus pharmaceuticus, Basel: Froben, 1587. 8vo, 155 x 100 mm., contemporary limp vellum, worn, text lightly browned. Adams S750; Durling 4157; Wellcome I, 5872. "Jo. Molinelli et Amicorum" inscription on flyleaf; W.Junk, Berlin, book-label. -- AGRICOLA, JOHANN. Medicinae herbariae. Basel: Batholomeus Westhemer, 1539. 8vo, 152 x 92 mm., old paper boards, very worn, internally clean. FIRST EDITION. Woodcut device on title and last leaf, 9-page text of Hippocratic oath at end. Durling 58; Wellcome 74. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- MARCER FLORIDUS. [pseud, ODO of Meung ?]. De herbarum virtutibus Aemilii Macri Veronensis. Basel: S.Henricpetri, 1581. 8vo, 146 x 96 mm., paper boards, very worn, stains and fraying to title, stains to early leaves, wormtrail in fore-margins. 50 small woodcuts in the text. Adams O64; Durling 2895. KKM/HSNY, bookplate. (8)

[BASEL IMPRINTS]. MACER FLORIDUS [pseud, ODO of MEUNG ?]. De herbarum virtutibus Aemilii Macri Veronensis. Basel, 1581; PICTORIUS, GEORG. Marbodei Galli Poetae Vetustissimi Dactylotheca... Basel, 1555; PICTORIUS. Continens Omnium Fermè quadrupedum aurium piscium serpentum... Basel, 1563. Adams P-1166; PICTORIUS. De Illorum Daemonum... Basel, 1563; REUSNER, NICOLAUS. Polyanthea, siue Paradisus Poeticus... Basel, 1578. All Heinrich Petri. 5 works in one vol., 8vo, 149 x 98 mm., contemporary vellum, spine ink lettered i -- PLINIUS SECUNDUS, GAIUS. Historia mundi [ed. D. Erasmus, with the Castigationes of Sigismund Gelen], Basel: Froben and N. Episcopus, 1555. Folio, 370 x 250 mm., contemporary German blindstamped pigskin, upper cover with author's name, owner's initials "M.B." and date 1559, lightly worn, brown stain to upper margin of some leaves, numerous early marginalia in a neat hand, fine engraved portrait of Erasmus dated 1555 tipped to back pastedown, woodcut device on title and at end, woodcut capitals. Adams P1573. -- RUELLE, JEAN DE LA. De natura stirpium libri tres, Basel: In Officina Frobeniana, 1537. Folio, 320 x 221 mm., seventeenth-century vellum boards, gilt-lettered title on spine, edges speckled red, tear to base of spine, fore-margin of title reinforced with paper, light browning and scattered foxing. Woodcut device on title and last leaf, woodcut initials. Reprint of the Paris, 1536 first edition. Adams R873. Early library stamp on title; KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- BAUHIN, JEAN. De plantis a divis sanctis've nomen habentibus...epistolae a Casparo Bauhino [by C. Gesner]. Basel: C. Waldkirch, 1591. 8vo, 158 x 100 mm., later paper boards, worn, spine loose, effaced stamp on title margin. FIRST EDITION of a treatise on plants named after the saints. Woodcut device on last leaf. Hunt 162 ("a curious little treatise"). -- MUNDELLA, LUIGI. Epistolae medicinales...annotationes in Antonii Brasavolae simplicium medicamentorum, Basel, Isingrin, [c. 1550]. 8vo, 164 x 98 mm., contemporary blind-panelled calf, rebacked and edges renewed, edges stained blue, minor marginal dampstains. Second edition, expanded from the 1543 first printing, with the commentaries on Brassavola first published in 1537. Durling 3225. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- SCHWENKFELT, CASPAR. Thesaurus pharmaceuticus, Basel: Froben, 1587. 8vo, 155 x 100 mm., contemporary limp vellum, worn, text lightly browned. Adams S750; Durling 4157; Wellcome I, 5872. "Jo. Molinelli et Amicorum" inscription on flyleaf; W.Junk, Berlin, book-label. -- AGRICOLA, JOHANN. Medicinae herbariae. Basel: Batholomeus Westhemer, 1539. 8vo, 152 x 92 mm., old paper boards, very worn, internally clean. FIRST EDITION. Woodcut device on title and last leaf, 9-page text of Hippocratic oath at end. Durling 58; Wellcome 74. KKM/HSNY, bookplate -- MARCER FLORIDUS. [pseud, ODO of Meung ?]. De herbarum virtutibus Aemilii Macri Veronensis. Basel: S.Henricpetri, 1581. 8vo, 146 x 96 mm., paper boards, very worn, stains and fraying to title, stains to early leaves, wormtrail in fore-margins. 50 small woodcuts in the text. Adams O64; Durling 2895. KKM/HSNY, bookplate. (8)

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