[LONDON 1829 BOOK AUCTIONS]. A volume containing 15 book auction catalogues of sales held in London by Evans (8), Sotheby (4), and Wheatley and Adlard (3) from December 15, 1828 to July 25, 1829. 8vo, contemporary half calf and marbled boards, red and black roan spine labels, covers detached, 2 leaves defective, a few others torn. 10 OF THE CATALOGUES PRICED THROUGHOUT, 4 of the catalogues with buyers' names, 7 with some or most buyers' names, in a contemporary hand, virtually all in ink, most probably the volume belonging to the bookseller Payne and Foss of Pall Mall.

[LONDON 1829 BOOK AUCTIONS]. A volume containing 15 book auction catalogues of sales held in London by Evans (8), Sotheby (4), and Wheatley and Adlard (3) from December 15, 1828 to July 25, 1829. 8vo, contemporary half calf and marbled boards, red and black roan spine labels, covers detached, 2 leaves defective, a few others torn. 10 OF THE CATALOGUES PRICED THROUGHOUT, 4 of the catalogues with buyers' names, 7 with some or most buyers' names, in a contemporary hand, virtually all in ink, most probably the volume belonging to the bookseller Payne and Foss of Pall Mall.

Lot Essay

Includes catalogues of the sales of Frederick North, Earl of Guilford (parts 1-3); Bibliotheca Mayansiana (parts 1-2); John Milner; George Douglas, Earl of Morton; Roger Wilbraham; the Rev. Abel Wainewright; Craven Ord; the Rev. Charles Lloyd; and John Rennie (parts 1-2).

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