A pair of foliate-pierced boat-shaped two-handled bon-bon dishes on rim bases and with applied rims incorporating floral swags and wreaths, Mappin & Webb, London 1928 - 8½in.; an engine-turned gilt-lined cylindrical cigarette box on curved feet; and a German white-metal combination cigarette and match holder pierced and chased with putti, flowers and foliage - weight of first three items 14oz. (4)

A pair of foliate-pierced boat-shaped two-handled bon-bon dishes on rim bases and with applied rims incorporating floral swags and wreaths, Mappin & Webb, London 1928 - 8½in.; an engine-turned gilt-lined cylindrical cigarette box on curved feet; and a German white-metal combination cigarette and match holder pierced and chased with putti, flowers and foliage - weight of first three items 14oz. (4)

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