An autograph fan, autographed by W.E. Gladstone,[Prime Minister] with an inscription in French "apprends a perdre ce qui peut t'etre enleve" Sept. 17, 1886; and twenty other autographs with inscriptions in English and German between 1886 and 1893, some inscribed St. Martin, Cannes, with lacquer sticks - 19in., the fan Chinese; and a similar fan with six autographs (2)

An autograph fan, autographed by W.E. Gladstone,[Prime Minister] with an inscription in French "apprends a perdre ce qui peut t'etre enleve" Sept. 17, 1886; and twenty other autographs with inscriptions in English and German between 1886 and 1893, some inscribed St. Martin, Cannes, with lacquer sticks - 19in., the fan Chinese; and a similar fan with six autographs (2)

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