Portrait of a gentleman said to be Abraham Hume, half-length, with a white cravatte, yellow shirt and blue coat
George Romney (Beckside 1734-1802 Kendal)
Portrait of a gentleman said to be Abraham Hume, half-length, with a white cravatte, yellow shirt and blue coat
oil on canvas
30 x 24½ in. (76.2 x 62.2 cm.)
Portrait of a gentleman said to be Abraham Hume, half-length, with a white cravatte, yellow shirt and blue coat
oil on canvas
30 x 24½ in. (76.2 x 62.2 cm.)
Sale room notice
The sitter has been confirmed to be Sir Abraham Hume of Wormleybury (1749-1838).
H. Ward and W. Roberts, George Romney, London, 1904, II, p.82.
H. Ward and W. Roberts, George Romney, London, 1904, II, p.82.