DERLETH, August (1909-1971). "In Re: Sherlock Holmes" The Adventures of Solar Pons. Sauk City, Wisconsin: Mycroft and Moran, 1945. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Memoirs of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1951. PRESENTATION COPY. -- Three Problems for Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1952. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Return of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1958. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Reminiscences of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1961. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Adventure of the Orient Express. New York: The Candlelight Press, 1965. -- The Casebook of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1965. PRESENTATION COPY. -- Praed Street Papers. New York, 1965. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Adventure of the Unique Dickensians. Sauk City, 1968. Wrappers. PRESENTATION COPY. -- Mr. Fairlie's Final Journey. Sauk City, 1968. -- Another copy. -- A Praed Street Dossier. Sauk City, 1968. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Chronicles of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1973. -- Another copy. Together 15 volumes, all FIRST EDITIONS, 8o, original bindings; dust jackets, very good condition. COMPLETE SET OF THE COLLECTED STORIES OF SOLAR PONS and Dr. Parker, one of the most extensive series of Holmes pastiches. PRESENTATION COPIES as noted, warmly inscribed to John Bogni. De Waal 5672-5680. (15)

DERLETH, August (1909-1971). "In Re: Sherlock Holmes" The Adventures of Solar Pons. Sauk City, Wisconsin: Mycroft and Moran, 1945. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Memoirs of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1951. PRESENTATION COPY. -- Three Problems for Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1952. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Return of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1958. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Reminiscences of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1961. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Adventure of the Orient Express. New York: The Candlelight Press, 1965. -- The Casebook of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1965. PRESENTATION COPY. -- Praed Street Papers. New York, 1965. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Adventure of the Unique Dickensians. Sauk City, 1968. Wrappers. PRESENTATION COPY. -- Mr. Fairlie's Final Journey. Sauk City, 1968. -- Another copy. -- A Praed Street Dossier. Sauk City, 1968. PRESENTATION COPY. -- The Chronicles of Solar Pons. Sauk City, 1973. -- Another copy. Together 15 volumes, all FIRST EDITIONS, 8o, original bindings; dust jackets, very good condition. COMPLETE SET OF THE COLLECTED STORIES OF SOLAR PONS and Dr. Parker, one of the most extensive series of Holmes pastiches. PRESENTATION COPIES as noted, warmly inscribed to John Bogni. De Waal 5672-5680. (15)


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