BOHR, Niels. On the Quantum Theory of Line-Spectra. Offprint from: D. Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, Naturvidensk. og Mathem, 8, Raekke, IV.1. Copenhagen: Bianco Lunos, 1918 and 1922. 3 parts, 4o. FIRST EDITION, OFFPRINT ISSUES, of Bohr's revolutionary atomic theory. [See lot 22].

BOHR, Niels. On the Quantum Theory of Line-Spectra. Offprint from: D. Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, Naturvidensk. og Mathem, 8, Raekke, IV.1. Copenhagen: Bianco Lunos, 1918 and 1922. 3 parts, 4o. FIRST EDITION, OFFPRINT ISSUES, of Bohr's revolutionary atomic theory. [See lot 22].

Drei Aufsätze über Spektren und Atombau. Braunschweig, 1922. 8o. Original printed wrappers (some wear). FIRST COMPLETE EDITION, includes all three of Bohr's important papers.

Über den Bau der Atome. Translated by Wolfgang Pauli. In: Die Naturwissenschaften. Die Ersten Zehn Jahre der Theorie von Niels Bohr über den Bau der Atome. Heft 27. Berlin, 1923. Later half cloth, spine gilt lettered "Newton & Bohr." FIRST GERMAN EDITION, journal issue. Other articles in this issue include: Max Planck Die Bohrsche Atomtheorie; Max Born Quantentheorie und Störungsrechnung; D. Coster Röntgenspektren und Bohrsche Atomtheorie and others. [Bound with]: EINSTEIN, Albert. Newtons Mechanik und ihr Einfluss auf die Gestaltung der theoretischen Physik. In: Die Naturwissenschaften, Heft 12, Berlin, 1927.

Abhandlungen über Atombau aus den Jahren 1913-1916. Braunschweig, 1921. 8o. Original printed wrappers, uncut (light marginal wear). First collected edition of a number of important papers.

On the application of the Quantum Theory to atomic Structure. Cambridge, 1924. 8o. Original printed wrappers. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION.

Festskrift til Professor Dr. Niels Bohr... Copenhagen, 1935. 8o. Original printed wrappers (some darkening and staining to spine). FIRST EDITIION. A festschrift commemorating Bohr's 50th birthday, with contributions by Kramers, Heisenberg, Klein, Kalckar and others.

Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature. Four Essays. Cambridge, 1934. 8o. Original cloth; dust jacket. First English edition of this collection.

Tale ved Studenterjubilaeet 1903-1928. N.p., 1953. 8o. Original printed wrapper. PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed and signed "Niels Bohr 27.1.1954" on verso of front wrapper. (10)


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