EUCLID. Elementa, in Latin. Antwerp: H. Verdussen, 1645. 2o. Engraved plates. 18th-century half calf. -- Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV. breviter demonstrati, opera Is. Barrow. London: R. Daniel for W. Nealand, 1659. 8o. Diagrams in text. Contemporary calf. Provenance: Edward Nicholas (armorial bookplate dated 1703).
Elementa, in Italian. Euclide... solo introduttore delle sciente mathematice... par Nicolo Taralea Brisciano. Venice: C. Trojano, 1565. 4o. Diagrams in text. 19th-century half morocco.
Elementa, in English. Euclides Elements of Geometry... by Captain Thomas Rudd... Whereunto is added, the Mathematicall Preface of Mr. John Dee. London: Leybourn for R. Tomlins and R. Boydell, 1651. 8o. Diagrams in text. Later half calf, marbled boards (covers detached). -- The English Euclide, being the First Six Elements of Geometry... By Edmund Scarburgh. Oxford: Printer at the Theater, 1705. 2o. Diagrams in text. Contemporary panelled calf (covers detached). Provenance: John Mills (signature; bookplate). -- Euclid's Elements of Geometry... by Samuel Cunn. London: T. Woodward. 8o. Engraved folding plates. Contemporary calf. -- The Elements of Euclid, viz the First Six Books together with the Eleventh and Twelfth... by Robert Simpson. Glasgow: Foulis, 1756. 4o. Diagrams in text. Contemporary calf. Together 7 volumes, some wear and soiling throughout. (7)
Elementa, in Italian. Euclide... solo introduttore delle sciente mathematice... par Nicolo Taralea Brisciano. Venice: C. Trojano, 1565. 4o. Diagrams in text. 19th-century half morocco.
Elementa, in English. Euclides Elements of Geometry... by Captain Thomas Rudd... Whereunto is added, the Mathematicall Preface of Mr. John Dee. London: Leybourn for R. Tomlins and R. Boydell, 1651. 8o. Diagrams in text. Later half calf, marbled boards (covers detached). -- The English Euclide, being the First Six Elements of Geometry... By Edmund Scarburgh. Oxford: Printer at the Theater, 1705. 2o. Diagrams in text. Contemporary panelled calf (covers detached). Provenance: John Mills (signature; bookplate). -- Euclid's Elements of Geometry... by Samuel Cunn. London: T. Woodward. 8o. Engraved folding plates. Contemporary calf. -- The Elements of Euclid, viz the First Six Books together with the Eleventh and Twelfth... by Robert Simpson. Glasgow: Foulis, 1756. 4o. Diagrams in text. Contemporary calf. Together 7 volumes, some wear and soiling throughout. (7)