[NATURAL HISTORY]. -- HARRIS, Thadeus William. A Treatise on Some of the Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Boston, 1862. -- BROWNE, J. Ross and James W. TAYLOR. Reports on Mineral Resources of the U.S. Washington, 1867. -- CHAPMAN, Alvin Wentworth. Flora of the Southern United States. New York, 1860. -- LEMMON, John Gill. Ferns of the Pacific Coast Including Arizona. San Francisco, 1882. -- LANGSTROTH, Lorenzo Lorraine. Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee. Northampton, 1853. -- DARWIN, Charles. On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects. London, 1862. -- TODD, Sereno Edwards. The Apple Culturist. New York, 1871. -- WHITE, Joseph J. Cranberry Culture. New York, [1870]. -- NUTTALL, Thomas. The Genera of North American Plants and a Catalogue of the Species to the Year 1817. Philadelphia, 1818. -- LINCOLN, Almira. Familiar Lectures on Botany. New York, 1845. -- SUMNER, George. Compendium of Physiological and Systemic Botany. Hartford, 1820. -- CONRAD, T.A. New Fresh Water Shells of the U.S.. Philadelphia, 1834. -- EATON, Amos. Botanical Exercises Including Directions, Rules, and Descriptions Calculated to Aid Pupils in the Analysis of Plants. Albany, 1820. -- SULLIVANT, William Spaulding. Musci Alleghanienses. Columbus, 1846. -- HARVEY, William Henry. Manual of the British Algae. London, 1841. -- The Flower Garden. London, 1839. Together 16 volumes, 16o-8o, original bindings, most worn. (16)
[NATURAL HISTORY]. -- HARRIS, Thadeus William. A Treatise on Some of the Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Boston, 1862. -- BROWNE, J. Ross and James W. TAYLOR. Reports on Mineral Resources of the U.S. Washington, 1867. -- CHAPMAN, Alvin Wentworth. Flora of the Southern United States. New York, 1860. -- LEMMON, John Gill. Ferns of the Pacific Coast Including Arizona. San Francisco, 1882. -- LANGSTROTH, Lorenzo Lorraine. Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee. Northampton, 1853. -- DARWIN, Charles. On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects. London, 1862. -- TODD, Sereno Edwards. The Apple Culturist. New York, 1871. -- WHITE, Joseph J. Cranberry Culture. New York, [1870]. -- NUTTALL, Thomas. The Genera of North American Plants and a Catalogue of the Species to the Year 1817. Philadelphia, 1818. -- LINCOLN, Almira. Familiar Lectures on Botany. New York, 1845. -- SUMNER, George. Compendium of Physiological and Systemic Botany. Hartford, 1820. -- CONRAD, T.A. New Fresh Water Shells of the U.S.. Philadelphia, 1834. -- EATON, Amos. Botanical Exercises Including Directions, Rules, and Descriptions Calculated to Aid Pupils in the Analysis of Plants. Albany, 1820. -- SULLIVANT, William Spaulding. Musci Alleghanienses. Columbus, 1846. -- HARVEY, William Henry. Manual of the British Algae. London, 1841. -- The Flower Garden. London, 1839. Together 16 volumes, 16o-8o, original bindings, most worn. (16)