including a Hohokam olla, with rounded base, low, full body and flaring rim, decorated with bands of zigzags and circular elements; a small Hohokam jar, with scrolling design; a Kayenta vessel, with zigzag pattern encircling the body, triangular scrolls on the neck, and animal effigy handle; and a Jeddito dipper, with striped handle and rectangular element in the bowl
Diameters: ranging from 3 in. to 7¾ in. (7.7 cm. to 19.6 cm.) (4)
including a Hohokam olla, with rounded base, low, full body and flaring rim, decorated with bands of zigzags and circular elements; a small Hohokam jar, with scrolling design; a Kayenta vessel, with zigzag pattern encircling the body, triangular scrolls on the neck, and animal effigy handle; and a Jeddito dipper, with striped handle and rectangular element in the bowl
Diameters: ranging from 3 in. to 7¾ in. (7.7 cm. to 19.6 cm.) (4)
Further details
See illustration of three.