Gold Powder Frame Lithographs,
a set of five with elaborate frames, hand-coloured medallion centres and verses including Beloved I needed not this toy/To keep thy memory dear;/For in my grief and in my joy/Thy form is ever near -/So deeply graven on my heart,/That only with my life twill part - all 8 X 10in. 20 X 25cm., circa 1840
See Illustration (5)
a set of five with elaborate frames, hand-coloured medallion centres and verses including Beloved I needed not this toy/To keep thy memory dear;/For in my grief and in my joy/Thy form is ever near -/So deeply graven on my heart,/That only with my life twill part - all 8 X 10in. 20 X 25cm., circa 1840
See Illustration (5)