[COOK, Capt. James -- First and Second Voyages]. HAWKESWORTH, John (1715?-1773). Relation des voyages entrepis par ordre de sa Majesté Britannique, et successivement exécutés par le Commodore Byron, le Capitaine Carteret, le Capitaine Wallis & le Capitaine Cook, dans les Vaisseaux le Dauphin, le Swallow & l'Endeavor. Paris: Saillant & Nyon and Pancoucke, 1774.
[With:] MARRA, John. Journal du Second Voyage du Capitaine Cook, sur les Vaisseaux la Résolution & l'Aventure. Amsterdam: Pissot and Nyon, 1777.
Together 9 volumes, 8o (190 x 109 mm). Half-titles. Engraved folding map in the second voyage (without the atlas volume to the first voyage). Contemporary mottled calf, sides with gilt arms at center, smooth spines gilt (lettering-piece on vol. V lacking, some rubbing, few small splits to joints).
Second edition in French of Cook's first voyage (after the quarto edition of the same year) and FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH of Marra's anonymously published account of the second voyage. Mitchell Library Cook 660 and 1272. (9)
[With:] MARRA, John. Journal du Second Voyage du Capitaine Cook, sur les Vaisseaux la Résolution & l'Aventure. Amsterdam: Pissot and Nyon, 1777.
Together 9 volumes, 8
Second edition in French of Cook's first voyage (after the quarto edition of the same year) and FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH of Marra's anonymously published account of the second voyage. Mitchell Library Cook 660 and 1272. (9)