AMERICAN, 1810-1830
American, 1810-1830
In three sections: the detachable cornice with a broken pediment centered by a carved and gilded eagle finial above a rectangular frieze; the upper case fitted with four glazed and interlaced doors; the lower case with a rectangular medial shelf above a banded and veneered long sliding fall-front door opening to a compartmented interior over two panelled doors, all flanked by panelled doors above a conforming base, on ball feet
101in. high, 84in. wide, 18in. deep
American, 1810-1830
In three sections: the detachable cornice with a broken pediment centered by a carved and gilded eagle finial above a rectangular frieze; the upper case fitted with four glazed and interlaced doors; the lower case with a rectangular medial shelf above a banded and veneered long sliding fall-front door opening to a compartmented interior over two panelled doors, all flanked by panelled doors above a conforming base, on ball feet
101in. high, 84in. wide, 18in. deep
Sale room notice
Please note the correct height is 113in. (including the eagle.)