
Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities ... second edition. London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1843. 8vo, coloured etched frontispiece, finished by hand, additional title, and 13 coloured plates by Henry Alken, 8-page publisher's catalogue at end. (Frontispiece, additional title and title starting to detach at lower gutter.) Original green publisher's cloth gilt, gilt edges (hinges possibly strengthened). Provenance: R.N.H. Moore Stevens (armorial bookplate). FIRST EDITION WITH ALKEN'S COLOURED PLATES. Described as the second edition but actually the third, following the editions of 1838 and 1839. Schwerdt II, 236: 'THE MOST VALUABLE ON ACCOUNT OF ALKEN'S SUPERB ILLUSTRATIONS'; Tooley 471.

[Sold with:] NINE PROOFS FROM OTHER WORKS BY SURTEES, including: silhouette portrait of Surtees, proof on large paper of the frontispiece to His Life by Taylor, 1852; 3 proofs on india paper and one pencil drawing from Sponge's Sporting Tour; 3 proofs from Handley Cross, including the original woodcut for front wrapper of Handley Cross, proof on white paper (a new block was made, reducing the dimensions); and an original woodcut for front wrapper of Romford's Hounds, proof on india paper. Contained in a cloth box. Provenance: J. Swaine (wood-engraver to 'Punch', and to Bradbury & Evans, typed note).

With 9 other works by Surtees, mainly first editions in book form bound in publisher's cloth, in fine condition. (11)

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