Abdulnasser Gharem (Saudi Arabian, B. 1973) <BR>Message/Messenger <BR>
Maha Malluh (Saudi Arabian)
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Lots are subject to 5% import Duty on the importat… Read more 'Tradition, occasionally understood as a force of 'rentention' serves as a shelter for those who wish to close themselves from modernity's monstruous reach. In our present age, however, there is no room for privacy: all is exposed.' (Maha Malluh) DONATED BY THE ARTIST FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE EDUCATION PROGRAMME OF EDGE OF ARABIA
Maha Malluh (Saudi Arabian)

Unveiled (from the series Tradition and Modernity)

Maha Malluh (Saudi Arabian)
Unveiled (from the series Tradition and Modernity)
light box
48¾ x 63in. (124 x 160cm.)
Executed in 2010; this work is number two from an edition of three plus one artist's proof
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Lots are subject to 5% import Duty on the importation value (low estimate) levied at the time of collection shipment within UAE. For UAE buyers, please note that duty is paid at origin (Dubai) and not in the importing country. As such, duty paid in Dubai is treated as final duty payment. It is the buyer's responsibility to ascertain and pay all taxes due.
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Please note that this work should not be starred in the catalogue, and is therefore not subject to the 5 import duty.

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Bibi Naz Zavieh
Bibi Naz Zavieh

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Lot Essay

'A work in Edge of Arabia Istanbul that remains most disturbingly in memory is Maha Malluh's Tradition and Modernity. Overtly, it shows the everyday, but the restrained tension says other things. The fearsome image of the can-opener amidst the benign cutlery is deeply disturbing. A colleague was struck by the confining boxes that frame each image. Tradition and Modernity is not an easy work. Maha Malluh's written statement that a hectic modern life should not lead people to forget watching the sunset is calming, but Tradition and Modernity has a different feel entirely and is anything but calm.' (Dr. Geoffrey King, SOAS University, London, January 2011).

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