R. Huyghe and H. Adhémar, Watteau, sa vie, son oeuvre, Paris, 1950, p. 223, under no. 169 (in which the provenance and references are incorrect).
K.T. Parker and J. Mathey, Antoine Watteau: catalogue complet de son oeuvre dessiné, Paris, 1957, II, p. 317, no. 621.
M. Morgan Grasselli, 'The Drawings of Antoine Watteau: Stylistic Development and Problems of Chronology', unpublished PhD thesis, Harvard University, 1987, p. 298, note 78.
M. Morgan Grasselli, 'Eighteen drawings by Antoine Watteau: A chronological study', Master Drawings, XXXI, no. 2, 1993, p. 116, under no. 10.
P. Rosenberg and L.-A. Prat, Antoine Watteau 1684-1721: catalogue raisonné des dessins, Milan, 1996, II, p. 836-7, no. 500.