![[CALIFORNIA, NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS -- MISSIONS]. Breve apostólico de Pio Sexto, y estatutos generales para la erecciòn y gobierno de las custodias de misioneros Franciscos Observantes de propaganda fide en las provincias internas de Nueva España. Madrid: Joachim Ibarra, 1781.](https://www.christies.com/img/LotImages/2012/NYR/2012_NYR_02622_0020_000(california_new_mexico_and_texas_--_missions_breve_apostolico_de_pio_se070741).jpg?w=1)
[CALIFORNIA, NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS -- MISSIONS]. Breve apostólico de Pio Sexto, y estatutos generales para la erecciòn y gobierno de las custodias de misioneros Franciscos Observantes de propaganda fide en las provincias internas de Nueva España. Madrid: Joachim Ibarra, 1781.
4o (202 x 145 mm). Section title for Bulas Apostólicas a favor de los misioneros de la seráfica orden. Contents: [2]; Breve apostólico 1-42; Bulas apostolicas 1-120; additional pp. 121-122 certifying Francisco de Vera y Valencia's position; Indice 121-133. Contemporary Spanish flexible vellum (lacking ties). Provenance: Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro (brands on upper and fore-edges, manuscript note at head of the Bulas noting they are to be read aloud at the college refectory).
A FINE, BRANDED COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. The work is divided into two parts: Pius VI's Breve Apostólico de Pio Sexto (pp. 1-42), and Bulas Apostólicos a favor de los misioneros de la seráfica orden. (pp. 1-133, including index), which includes papal bulls. The work is found variously as either the first part only (42 pp.), and varying lengths of the second part of the Bulas. This copy contains the extra leaf (pp. 121/122) certifying Francisco de Vera y Valencia's position, dated July 13, 1716. While Wagner's example of the book has only 122 pages of Bulas and the present copy has 133 pages, he and others have located copies with 210 pages. It would appear that later issues were published containing additional bulls as they appeared.
Printed by Joachim Ibarra, Spain's greatest printer of the eighteenth century, "This published edition of Pope Pius's Breve (Rome, 17 Nov. 1779) conceded to the King of Spain the right to establish custodias in the northern frontier provinces of New Spain. This concession was designed to address the religious vacuum in these provinces which followed the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Spanish colonies. With this authority, the King established San Carlos in Sonora, San Gabriel in California, San Antonio in Nueva Viscaya [Texas-Mexico Borderlands], and Concepción in New Mexico.
These published statutes governed those ecclesiastical establishments and continued to do so until secularization in the nineteenth century. Among other things, they specify which of the various Franciscan provinces (i.e., religious administrative districts) were to supply missionaries for each custodia. This important work exists in two editions of differing length, both very scarce" (John Carter Brown Exhibit, Incunables: The Birth of Printing in the Americas 47). The Estatutos were drawn up by Manuel de la Vega and governed the missions until secularization.
This copy belonged to the Colegio de Santa Cruz at Queretaro, Mexico, the institution that is assigned in the Estatutos to supply missionaries for San Carlos. The Colegio de Santa Cruz had long been active in the Texas missions. Handbook of Texas II:544; JCB II:2:2860 (42 pp.); Medina, Hispano-Americana 4983; Palau 226994; Sabin 7748 (no collation) & 63168 (42 pp.); Wagner, A Bibliography of Printed Works Relating to those Portions of the United States which formerly belonged to Mexico, Santiago: La Imprenta Diener, [1917] #115 (42 + 210 pp); Wagner, Spanish Southwest 163 (noting that his copy contains 122 pages of Bulas and an index to same, 121-133 pp., as here).
4o (202 x 145 mm). Section title for Bulas Apostólicas a favor de los misioneros de la seráfica orden. Contents: [2]; Breve apostólico 1-42; Bulas apostolicas 1-120; additional pp. 121-122 certifying Francisco de Vera y Valencia's position; Indice 121-133. Contemporary Spanish flexible vellum (lacking ties). Provenance: Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro (brands on upper and fore-edges, manuscript note at head of the Bulas noting they are to be read aloud at the college refectory).
A FINE, BRANDED COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. The work is divided into two parts: Pius VI's Breve Apostólico de Pio Sexto (pp. 1-42), and Bulas Apostólicos a favor de los misioneros de la seráfica orden. (pp. 1-133, including index), which includes papal bulls. The work is found variously as either the first part only (42 pp.), and varying lengths of the second part of the Bulas. This copy contains the extra leaf (pp. 121/122) certifying Francisco de Vera y Valencia's position, dated July 13, 1716. While Wagner's example of the book has only 122 pages of Bulas and the present copy has 133 pages, he and others have located copies with 210 pages. It would appear that later issues were published containing additional bulls as they appeared.
Printed by Joachim Ibarra, Spain's greatest printer of the eighteenth century, "This published edition of Pope Pius's Breve (Rome, 17 Nov. 1779) conceded to the King of Spain the right to establish custodias in the northern frontier provinces of New Spain. This concession was designed to address the religious vacuum in these provinces which followed the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Spanish colonies. With this authority, the King established San Carlos in Sonora, San Gabriel in California, San Antonio in Nueva Viscaya [Texas-Mexico Borderlands], and Concepción in New Mexico.
These published statutes governed those ecclesiastical establishments and continued to do so until secularization in the nineteenth century. Among other things, they specify which of the various Franciscan provinces (i.e., religious administrative districts) were to supply missionaries for each custodia. This important work exists in two editions of differing length, both very scarce" (John Carter Brown Exhibit, Incunables: The Birth of Printing in the Americas 47). The Estatutos were drawn up by Manuel de la Vega and governed the missions until secularization.
This copy belonged to the Colegio de Santa Cruz at Queretaro, Mexico, the institution that is assigned in the Estatutos to supply missionaries for San Carlos. The Colegio de Santa Cruz had long been active in the Texas missions. Handbook of Texas II:544; JCB II:2:2860 (42 pp.); Medina, Hispano-Americana 4983; Palau 226994; Sabin 7748 (no collation) & 63168 (42 pp.); Wagner, A Bibliography of Printed Works Relating to those Portions of the United States which formerly belonged to Mexico, Santiago: La Imprenta Diener, [1917] #115 (42 + 210 pp); Wagner, Spanish Southwest 163 (noting that his copy contains 122 pages of Bulas and an index to same, 121-133 pp., as here).