Lot Essay
Working with thick dark outlines on embroidery, Nugroho hijacks a traditional technique to present the graphic imagery which reflects his environment. As a young artist, undoubtedly the post-Reformasi movement had an impact on Nugroho's artworks, but the artist himself clarified that his intention was never to adopt any political messages in his works. With issues like poverty, social injustice, religious fanatics, corruption and violence dominating his everyday life, he nonetheless finds it difficult to avoid political interpretation. In order to steer clear of stereotypes, he uses recurring motifs which complete his unique narratives. Hoods and masks, as in the carpet of this present lot, signify Man's need to conform to societal expectations. It also represents his aversion to discriminatory practices as he feels it prevents the viewer from forming preconceived notions about his characters. In this sense, while Nugroho's comedic-inspired works may come across as seemingly straightforward, the immediacy of his imagery contradicts the complex ideas he sets out to address.