Untitled (A Brink of Infinity)
Roni Horn (B. 1955)
Untitled (A Brink of Infinity)
photolithography on uncoated paper
41 3/4 x 57 3/4 in. (106 x 146.7 cm.)
Executed in 1997. This work is number twelve from an edition of twelve.
Untitled (A Brink of Infinity)
photolithography on uncoated paper
41 3/4 x 57 3/4 in. (106 x 146.7 cm.)
Executed in 1997. This work is number twelve from an edition of twelve.
Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
Acquired from the above by the present owner
Acquired from the above by the present owner
Brought to you by
Celine Cunha