Lot Essay
« Chaque dessin comme chaque toile est une aventure. Je pars en quelque sorte en voyage. Un voyage dont j'ignore la destination. Je ne sais pas jusqu’où j’irai, ni quelles seront les étapes où je m’arrêterai, je découvre un univers de formes qui, lui, très souvent me détourne de certains projets que j’ai pu avoir auparavant. Mais qui sont toujours assez imprécis, et je sais toujours par expérience qu’ils ne subsisteront pas. Parfois les oeuvres restent en train des mois, des années…peinture ou dessin… Lorsqu’il m’arrive de ne plus voir quel parti je peux tirer de telle oeuvre en cours, alors je cède ».
“Each drawing like each painting is an adventure. I start of on a kind of journey. A journey with an unknown destination. I don’t know how far I shall go or where I shall stop, I discover a universe of shapes that very often diverts me from some prior projects I might have had. They are always rather imprecise, and I know by experience that they won’t survive. Sometimes works remain on hold for months, years…. whether painting or drawing…When I can’t see what I can do with this or that current work, then I give in.”
“Each drawing like each painting is an adventure. I start of on a kind of journey. A journey with an unknown destination. I don’t know how far I shall go or where I shall stop, I discover a universe of shapes that very often diverts me from some prior projects I might have had. They are always rather imprecise, and I know by experience that they won’t survive. Sometimes works remain on hold for months, years…. whether painting or drawing…When I can’t see what I can do with this or that current work, then I give in.”