Lot Essay
Pour cette aquarelle et la suivante, Boldini utilise son génie d'aquarelliste pour représenter deux des grands chefs-d’œuvre baroques du Bernin. Le buste représenté ici est l’un de ses plus fameux portraits, celui de François Ier d’Este, duc de Modène et de Reggio aujourd’hui conservé à la Galleria Estense de Modène (R. Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque, Oxford 1981, no. 54, pl. 84, fig. 73). Boldini travailla à plusieurs reprises d’après des œuvres sculptées. Par exemple le buste du Cardinal Laurent de Medicis, dont le Bernin possédait une reproduction, se retrouve dans au moins quatre de ces dessins (P. et F. Dini, Boldini. Catalogo ragionato, Turin, Londres et Venise 2002, vol. 4, nos. 740, 741, 909, 910, ill.).
In this drawing and the following lot, Boldini applies his masteful watercolour technique to the depiction of Gian Lorenzo Berini’s Baroque masterpieces. The bust represented here is one of his greatest portraits, that of Francesco I d’Este, duke of Modena and Reggio, now at the Galleria Estense, Modena (R. Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque, Oxford 1981, no. 54, pl. 84, fig. 73). Bolidni worked after sculptures on several occasions; for instance, Bernini’s bust of Cardinal Lorenzo de’ Medici, of which Boldini owned a reproduction, is included in at least four works by him (P. and F. Dini, Boldini. Catalogo ragionato, Turin, London and Venice 2002, vol. 4, nos. 740, 741, 909, 910, ill.).
In this drawing and the following lot, Boldini applies his masteful watercolour technique to the depiction of Gian Lorenzo Berini’s Baroque masterpieces. The bust represented here is one of his greatest portraits, that of Francesco I d’Este, duke of Modena and Reggio, now at the Galleria Estense, Modena (R. Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque, Oxford 1981, no. 54, pl. 84, fig. 73). Bolidni worked after sculptures on several occasions; for instance, Bernini’s bust of Cardinal Lorenzo de’ Medici, of which Boldini owned a reproduction, is included in at least four works by him (P. and F. Dini, Boldini. Catalogo ragionato, Turin, London and Venice 2002, vol. 4, nos. 740, 741, 909, 910, ill.).