Lot Essay
Touchant portrait d’une enfant, cette délicate étude aux trois crayons de Marie-Nicole, fille de l’artiste âgée de quinze mois, a été réattribuée à Jean- Baptiste Delafosse (et non Jean-Charles) par Marie Anne Dupuy Vachey en 2006 (op. cit.). Il est considéré comme une réplique autographe d’une feuille passée en vente à Paris à la galerie Georges Petit, 7-8 mai 1923, lot 54 (Strasser, op. cit., p. 166, note 2).
This touching portrait of a child, a delicate study in three tones of chalk of Marie-Nicole, depicts the artist’s daughter at fifteen months. It was reattributed to Jean-Baptiste Delafosse (not Jean-Charles), by Marie Anne Dupuy Vachey in 2006 (op. cit.), and has been considered a copy of a sheet which passed through auction in Paris, Galerie Georges Petit 7-8 May 1923, lot 54 (Strasser, op. cit., p. 166, note 2).
This touching portrait of a child, a delicate study in three tones of chalk of Marie-Nicole, depicts the artist’s daughter at fifteen months. It was reattributed to Jean-Baptiste Delafosse (not Jean-Charles), by Marie Anne Dupuy Vachey in 2006 (op. cit.), and has been considered a copy of a sheet which passed through auction in Paris, Galerie Georges Petit 7-8 May 1923, lot 54 (Strasser, op. cit., p. 166, note 2).