Lot Essay
« Dans cette distance où [Aurélie Nemours] a choisi d’être, non pour s’isoler mais pour rester fidèle à son projet, elle a donné toute liberté à ses intuitions comme à ses convictions. Renonçant à toute objectivité au regard du monde observable, elle n’a laissé parler que la langue chiffrée d’une symbolique purement formelle. Dans son écriture, les lignes, les couleurs ne deviennent les voies de l’œuvre qu’à la condition de cesser d’être des figures empruntées à une représentation objective du monde. »
“In the distance where she has chosen to be, [Aurélie Nemours] has given her intuitions and convictions free rein not to isolate herself but to remain true to her project. Renouncing all objectivity with regard to the observable world, she has let only the coded language of a purely formal symbolism speak. The lines and colours in her writing become the ways of the work only under the condition that they cease being figures borrowed from an objective representation of the world.”
Anne Tronche
“In the distance where she has chosen to be, [Aurélie Nemours] has given her intuitions and convictions free rein not to isolate herself but to remain true to her project. Renouncing all objectivity with regard to the observable world, she has let only the coded language of a purely formal symbolism speak. The lines and colours in her writing become the ways of the work only under the condition that they cease being figures borrowed from an objective representation of the world.”
Anne Tronche