Computer Is Controlled By Pig's Brain, No. 20
Zheng Guogu (né en 1970)
Computer Is Controlled By Pig's Brain, No. 20
signé en chinois, daté '2002' (en bas à droit); signé et titré en chinois, daté '2002' (au dos)
acrylique sur toile feutrée
210 x 130 cm.
Réalisé en 2002.
signed in Chinses, dated '2002' (lower right); signed and titled in Chinese, dated '2002' (on the reverse)
acrylic on felted canvas
82 5/8 x 51 1/8 in.
Executed in 2002.
Computer Is Controlled By Pig's Brain, No. 20
signé en chinois, daté '2002' (en bas à droit); signé et titré en chinois, daté '2002' (au dos)
acrylique sur toile feutrée
210 x 130 cm.
Réalisé en 2002.
signed in Chinses, dated '2002' (lower right); signed and titled in Chinese, dated '2002' (on the reverse)
acrylic on felted canvas
82 5/8 x 51 1/8 in.
Executed in 2002.
Galerie Loft, Paris
Acquis auprès de celle-ci
Acquis auprès de celle-ci
Special notice
This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collection
Brought to you by
Paul Nyzam
Head of Department