Lot Essay
"The most beautifully composed and painted of Gérome's landscapes"
Characterized by Ackerman as "The most beautifully composed and painted of Gérome's landscapes" (G. Ackerman, op. cit., p. 258), The First Kiss of the Sun was painted in 1886, six years after Gérome's last trip to Egypt. The artist first travelled to Egypt in 1856 and made subsequent excursions in 1862, 1868, 1869, 1871, 1874, and 1880. One of the artist's most accomplished landscapes, The First Kiss of the Sun shows the pyramids of Giza suffused in the golden morning light of the desert sun. This view is from the west, as seen from the rising sun illuminating the summit of each pyramid. The ethereal appearance of the distant pyramids contrasts dramatically with the clearly detailed foreground. Moreover, the haze created by the sand and sunlight lends the picture an air of otherworldliness. The head of the Sphinx is just visible in the middle background.
Robert Isaacson enjoyed relating that the strip of clear blue along the top of the picture represents Gérome's memory of a natural phenomenon. Driving to the Cairo airport at dawn, Isaacson saw how the sun struck the particles of sand in the air, forming a distinct horizontal division in the sky.
Throughout his lifetime of travel, Gérome's made frequent drawings, which provided an extensive repertoire of stock images for the paintings he executed in his Paris studio. The critic Theophile Gautier, an early champion of Gérome's work, visited the artist in Paris shortly after he had returned from his first Egyptian trip. Gautier described how the artist made on-site pencil sketches, which would have inspired his work, loaded with abundant visual information. "We should never finish were we to describe the infinite number of details gathered together on these loose sheets: great undulations of ground; masses of doum-palms; saqqhyehs [water wheels] whose wheel lifts and tells the little rosary of pots; cafis; okkels; camping grounds, corner of pyramids..." (G. Ackerman, ibid., p. 45).