A proclamation pardon of amnesty
A proclamation pardon of amnesty

Richard and William Howe, 1776

A proclamation pardon of amnesty
Richard and William Howe, 1776
HOWE'S PROCLAMATION OF AMNESTY — "By Richard Viscount Howe, of the Kingdom of Ireland, and William Howe, Esquire, General of His Majesty's Forces in America, the Kings' Commissioners for restoring Peace to His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in North-America, Etc. Etc. Etc. Proclamation. … Given at New-York, this Thirtieth Day of November, 1776." New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury. New York: Hugh Gaine, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square, 20 January 1777.

The Howe brothers offer of a pull pardon for "all Persons speedily returning to their just Allegiance…." as printed on the front page of the New-York Gazette. Although the British had successfully taken New York and the surrounding countryside over the summer of 1776, Washington's army remained just out of their reach, referred to here as "several Bodies of armed Men, in open Contempt of his Majesty's proffered Clemency, do still continue in Opposition to the Establishment of legal government and Peace; and divers other ill-disposed Persons, pursuing their own ambitious Purposes in the Exercise of a lawless Influence and Power, are using fresh Endeavors, by various Arts and Misrepresentations, to alienate the Confidence and Affection of His Majesty's Subjects; to defeat every Plan of Reconciliation, and to prolong the unnatural War between Great-Britain and her Colonies." The proclamation, made on 30 November 1776, offered a pardon to anyone who would swear an oath of allegiance within 60 days, making this issue one of the last notices of this offer.

Single leaf (second leaf lacking), 487 x 300mm (marginal tears and chips do not affect text, partial fold split at centerfold intersection). Matted and framed.

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