Lot Essay
The most famous and iconic of all dinosaur species, the T. rex was first described by Henry Fairfield Osborn in 1905 from a skeleton found in 1902 in the Hell Creek Formation in Montana. Standing over 13ft tall and 40ft long, the T. rex was the top predator of the late Cretaceous, amongst the last dinosaurs to walk the earth before their mass extinction.
This T. rex tooth, which is the anterior dentary (AD3), is the largest tooth position in the mouth – and this large example is from a full-grown adult. Discovered two years ago in a prolific micro channel deposit known as “The rex hole”. This deposit has been fully excavated and is now extinguished. T. rex possessed an enormous skull, measuring up to 5 feet in length, and jaws filled with large, spike-like teeth. These teeth were not only larger but also more robust than those of any other theropod dinosaur, designed to efficiently transfer the immense force of its bite into the victim's body. This adaptation made T. rex an unparalleled predator, capable of inflicting devastating damage with each powerful strike.
This T. rex tooth, which is the anterior dentary (AD3), is the largest tooth position in the mouth – and this large example is from a full-grown adult. Discovered two years ago in a prolific micro channel deposit known as “The rex hole”. This deposit has been fully excavated and is now extinguished. T. rex possessed an enormous skull, measuring up to 5 feet in length, and jaws filled with large, spike-like teeth. These teeth were not only larger but also more robust than those of any other theropod dinosaur, designed to efficiently transfer the immense force of its bite into the victim's body. This adaptation made T. rex an unparalleled predator, capable of inflicting devastating damage with each powerful strike.