Proof 1909-16 King Edward VII Perkins, Bacon & Co. plate proofs, surface-printed ½d. pairs (2) in black, imperforate on glazed unwatermarked paper, and perf. 14 on De La Rue watermarked paper; Royle & Sons 2d. pair and single in black on blue-green on wove unwatermarked paper, 3d. in black, 4d. pairs (2) and single in deep yellow-green, 5d. in black, 6d. in lake, 8d. in black and pair in deep greyish blue, 1/- pair and single in lake, and a single in deep brown, all imperforate on unsurfaced white card. A fine lot

Proof 1909-16 King Edward VII Perkins, Bacon & Co. plate proofs, surface-printed ½d. pairs (2) in black, imperforate on glazed unwatermarked paper, and perf. 14 on De La Rue watermarked paper; Royle & Sons 2d. pair and single in black on blue-green on wove unwatermarked paper, 3d. in black, 4d. pairs (2) and single in deep yellow-green, 5d. in black, 6d. in lake, 8d. in black and pair in deep greyish blue, 1/- pair and single in lake, and a single in deep brown, all imperforate on unsurfaced white card. A fine lot