OFFICINA BODONI -- AESOP. The Fables ... printed from the Veronese edition of MCCCCLXXIX in Latin verses and the Italian version by Accio Zucco, with the woodcuts newly engraved and coloured after a copy in the British Museum [and] The First Three Books of Caxton's Aesop containing the fables illustrated in the Verona Aesopus of MDCCCLXXIX, Verona: Officina Bodoni, 1973. 2 volumes, small 2, hand-made paper by Magnani in Pescia, text in Italian and English, 66 woodcut plates re-cut by Anna Bramanti and hand-coloured at the Atelier Daniel Jacomet in Paris, list of plates and prospectus loosely-inserted, original green morocco-backed parchment-covered boards gilt, t.e.g., slipcase. NO. 124 OF 160 COPIES. (2)