cover 1868 (4 June) officer's envelope from Asistant Surgeon Don at St. Georges to Glasgow, bearing 2d. blue (2, one defective) and 6d. dull purple twice cancelled "B/1" and showing "REGISTERED" h.s. and fine P5 c.d.s. alongside, Paid Liverpool Br. Packet c.d.s. also on face, Liverpool Registered and Glasgow arrival c.d.s. on face. A rare and unusual registered item. Photo
cover 1868 (4 June) officer's envelope from Asistant Surgeon Don at St. Georges to Glasgow, bearing 2d. blue (2, one defective) and 6d. dull purple twice cancelled "B/1" and showing "REGISTERED" h.s. and fine P5 c.d.s. alongside, Paid Liverpool Br. Packet c.d.s. also on face, Liverpool Registered and Glasgow arrival c.d.s. on face. A rare and unusual registered item. Photo

cover 1868 (4 June) officer's envelope from Asistant Surgeon Don at St. Georges to Glasgow, bearing 2d. blue (2, one defective) and 6d. dull purple twice cancelled "B/1" and showing "REGISTERED" h.s. and fine P5 c.d.s. alongside, Paid Liverpool Br. Packet c.d.s. also on face, Liverpool Registered and Glasgow arrival c.d.s. on face. A rare and unusual registered item. Photo