Lot Essay
The stamp JACOB D R MESLEE is for the firm of Jacob-Desmalter (1803-1813), the second generation of one of the most celebrated families of Parisian ébènistes. Its founder, the menuisier Georges Jacob (1739-1814) was reknowned for his exceptional carved furniture, finest mahogany veneers and goüt précurseur. This tradition was continued by two of his sons, François-Honoré-Georges Jacob, dit 'Jacob-Desmalter' (1770-1841) and Georges II Jacob.
The design and ornament of this library table is characteristic of the oeuvre of the Jacob dynasty and reflects their fluency with designs by Charles Percier (1764-1838) and Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, (1762-1853), some of which they were commissioned to execute. The firm’s relationship with Percier and Fontaine is noted in some of the captions to the designs in their Recueil de Décorations Intérieure, Paris, 1801.
The design and ornament of this library table is characteristic of the oeuvre of the Jacob dynasty and reflects their fluency with designs by Charles Percier (1764-1838) and Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, (1762-1853), some of which they were commissioned to execute. The firm’s relationship with Percier and Fontaine is noted in some of the captions to the designs in their Recueil de Décorations Intérieure, Paris, 1801.