RUSSIAN IMPERIAL LIBRARY – L'Illustration. Journal Universel. Paris: Various publishers, 1843-1854, 1858, 1861-1864, 1866-1872, 1874-1892, 1893 (part 1 of 2), 1894-1895, 1897 (part 1 of 2), 1898-1900, 1901 (part 1 of 2), 1902.
RUSSIAN IMPERIAL LIBRARY – L'Illustration. Journal Universel. Paris: Various publishers, 1843-1854, 1858, 1861-1864, 1866-1872, 1874-1892, 1893 (part 1 of 2), 1894-1895, 1897 (part 1 of 2), 1898-1900, 1901 (part 1 of 2), 1902.
RUSSIAN IMPERIAL LIBRARY – L'Illustration. Journal Universel. Paris: Various publishers, 1843-1854, 1858, 1861-1864, 1866-1872, 1874-1892, 1893 (part 1 of 2), 1894-1895, 1897 (part 1 of 2), 1898-1900, 1901 (part 1 of 2), 1902.
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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL LIBRARY – L'Illustration. Journal Universel. Paris: Various publishers, 1843-1854, 1858, 1861-1864, 1866-1872, 1874-1892, 1893 (part 1 of 2), 1894-1895, 1897 (part 1 of 2), 1898-1900, 1901 (part 1 of 2), 1902.
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RUSSIAN IMPERIAL LIBRARY – L'Illustration. Journal Universel. Paris: Various publishers, 1843-1854, 1858, 1861-1864, 1866-1872, 1874-1892, 1893 (part 1 of 2), 1894-1895, 1897 (part 1 of 2), 1898-1900, 1901 (part 1 of 2), 1902.

RUSSIAN IMPERIAL LIBRARY – L'Illustration. Journal Universel. Paris: Various publishers, 1843-1854, 1858, 1861-1864, 1866-1872, 1874-1892, 1893 (part 1 of 2), 1894-1895, 1897 (part 1 of 2), 1898-1900, 1901 (part 1 of 2), 1902.

An extensive run collected by Tsars Alexandre II, Alexandre III, and Nicholas II over the course of their consecutive reigns – a remarkable record of Romanov rule across generations and eventful decades. The first thirteen volumes were acquired by Alexandre II; the next 52 volumes were added by his son Alexander III, both as Tsarevich and as Tsar; and his son Nicholas II added the last twelve volumes. The set is unified by the stamp of Gatchina Palace which is found in nearly every volume. Gatchina Palace was a favorite residence of the Imperial family after it had been enlarged substantially by Alexander II's father Nicholas I. The set includes issues of L'Illustration that cover major events during the reigns of these men, including Alexander III's coronation, murder, and funeral procession, the accession and marriage of Nicholas II, etc., most illustrated by fine engravings. The first two volumes acquired by Alexander II bear the stamp 'à S.M. L'Empereur', suggesting that these were presentation copies from the publisher; and all Alexander II's volumes also have the bookplate of the Imperial Hermitage, where these were located before moving to Gatchina.

77 volumes, folio (c.372-398 x c.268-292mm). Illustrated throughout (occasional light wear; occasional small repairs and small losses). Contemporary half russia [Alexander II's volumes, the first thirteen volumes], contemporary red half morocco [Alexander III's volumes, the next 52 volumes] and contemporary blue-black quarter morocco [Nicholas II's volumes, the last twelve volumes] (some spine panels detached; some joints split; extremities rubbed; the spine for the 1887 volumes blackened and worn; the spines of some volumes repaired with tape). Provenance: Alexandre II of Russia (1818-1881; his bookplate in most of the first thirteen volumes) – Alexandre III of Russia (1845-1894; his bookplate in most of the next 52 volumes; his initials at the spine foot of each volume; his stamp 'AIII' or manuscript 'A' in red pencil on the title pages of some volumes) – Nicholas II of Russia (1868-1918; his cipher at the spine foot of the last twelve volumes) – Russian Imperial Library at Gatchina Palace (Gatchina stamps and manuscript press-mark on the front endpaper of most volumes) – Irine Aleksandrovna Bashkiroff (sold; thence into the consigning estate).

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