Peter Tunney (né en 1961)
Peter Tunney (né en 1961)
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Peter Tunney (né en 1961)

Don't panic

Peter Tunney (né en 1961)
Don't panic
signé, titré et daté '''Lost and Found'' Peter 2013' (en bas à droite); signé, daté, situé et inscrit 'From the exhibition Lost and Found Art Basel 2013 created in NYC. C73 Franklist Studio NYC Peter Guaranteed Original and Authentic 2013 Peter' (au dos)
acrylique, collage de papier journal et ruban adhésif sur porte de réfrigérateur
79 x 100 x 8 cm.
Réalisé en 2013.

signed, titled and dated '''Lost and Found'' Peter 2013' (lower right); signed, dated, located and inscribed 'From the exhibition Lost and Found Art Basel 2013 created in NYC. C73 Franklist Studio NYC Peter Guaranteed Original and Authentic 2013 Peter' (on the reverse)
acrylic, collage of newspaper and adhesive tape collage on refrigerator door
31 1/8 x 39 3/8 x 3 1/8 in.
Executed in 2013.
Vente anonyme, Artcurial, Paris, 5 novembre 2019, lot 141
Acquis lors de cette vente
Special notice
This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collection details.

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Paul Nyzam
Paul Nyzam Head of Department

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