THE MASTER OF THE EGMONT ALBUMS (active second half of the 16th Century)
THE MASTER OF THE EGMONT ALBUMS (active second half of the 16th Century)
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THE MASTER OF THE EGMONT ALBUMS (active second half of the 16th Century)

The Flagellation

THE MASTER OF THE EGMONT ALBUMS (active second half of the 16th Century)
The Flagellation
pen and brown ink, brown wash, pen and brown ink framing lines
5 ¾ x 4 in. (14.2 x 10 cm)
Anonymous sale; Christie’s, London, 6 July 2004, lot 169.

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Giada Damen, Ph.D.
Giada Damen, Ph.D. Specialist

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Lot Essay

The stylistically diverse drawings attributed to the Netherlandish artist baptized Master of the Egmont Albums after a group of works at the Yale University Art Gallery, is testament to the many influences – Northern and Italian – this artist underwent (for recent discussions, see S. Alsteens in An Italian Journey. Drawings from the Tobey Collection. Correggio to Tiepolo, exhib. cat., New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2010, pp. 130-132, under no. 37; and idem in From Floris to Rubens. Master Drawings from a Belgian Private Collection, exib. cat., Brussels, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, and Maastricht, Bonnefanten Museum, 2016, p. 123, under no. 43). The work offered here, one of the smaller, more Italianate and more finely executed works by the master, can be compared to drawings in the Cleveland Museum of Art (inv. 1992.115; see E.J. Peters in Tales of the City. Drawing in the Netherlands from Bosch to Bruegel, exhib. cat., Cleveland, The Cleveland Museum of Art, 2022-2023, no. 79, ill.); the British Museum, London (inv. 1951,0210.3); and Christ Carrying the Cross in the Musée du Louvre, Paris, in which the man whipping Christ strikes a pose close to that of the man at left (inv. 5636; see E. Starcky, Inventaire général des dessins des écoles du Nord […], Paris, 1988, no. 92, ill.). The Flagellation of Christ was also depicted by the artist in a larger and more broadly executed drawing at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (inv. RP-T-1977-141; see M. Schapelhouman, Catalogue of the Dutch and Flemish Drawings in the Rijksprentenkabinet, III, Nederlandse tekeningen omstreeks 1600/ Netherlandish Drawings circa 1600, Amsterdam and The Hague, 1987, no. 106, ill.). The dimensions and refinement of the present sheet suggest it could have been part of a series illustrating the Passion of Christ, perhaps in bound form.

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