Lot Essay
The Bucarelli family originally came from Florence in Italy and a branch settled in Seville. This service was ordered by Juana Antonia Bucarelli y Baeza, Ursúa y Vicentelo, who was born in Seville in 1739 and died in 1810. She became Countess of Gerena in 1774 and at her father's death in 1782, she inherited the titles of 4th Marquise of Vallehermoso and Viscountess of Ursúa. The Marquis coronet surmounting the arms suggests that this service was ordered in c. 1783 after she became Marquise of Vallehermoso. The arms include those for the families of Bucarelli, Baeza, Ursúa and Vicentelo. A rococo shaped tureen, cover and stand with these arms is illustrated by J. R. Teixeira Leite, As Companhias das Indias e a Porcelana Chinesa de Encomenda, São Paulo, 1986, colour plate 49, p. 121.
We are very grateful to Antonio Diez de Rivera for his assistance with this note, and for those in the following three lots
We are very grateful to Antonio Diez de Rivera for his assistance with this note, and for those in the following three lots