A famille verte figure of a buddhistic lion
Seated on its hind quarters with its head turned sideways towards a small cub climbing up the front leg, the mouth wide open to reveal its fangs and tongue, the mane in tight curls, the protruding forehead adorned with the character wang and wearing a tasselled collar tied at the nape, all on a pierced rectangular base, chips
35.5 cm. high
Seated on its hind quarters with its head turned sideways towards a small cub climbing up the front leg, the mouth wide open to reveal its fangs and tongue, the mane in tight curls, the protruding forehead adorned with the character wang and wearing a tasselled collar tied at the nape, all on a pierced rectangular base, chips
35.5 cm. high
Mr. Garland, 1039
Morgan Collection, with indistinct number 5(?)..
Morgan Collection, with indistinct number 5(?)..
Special notice
Christie’s charges a premium to the buyer on the Hammer Price of each lot sold at the following rates: 29.75% of the Hammer Price of each lot up to and including €5,000, plus 23.8% of the Hammer Price between €5,001 and €400,000, plus 14.28% of any amount in excess of €400,001. Buyer’s premium is calculated on the basis of each lot individually.