Lot Essay
The carving on the current vase is among some of the best produced by the Imperial wrokshops. The vitality and movement of the dragon is conveyed by the fluid curve of its body and its powerful features. Its long-snouted face could be likened to that of the dragon on a yellow jade square vase in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Zhongguo yuqi quanji - 6 - Qing, Hebei, 1991, p. 96, no. 146. Compare also the white jade vase, also in the Palace Museum, Beijing, which is similarly decorated with a trailing dragon chasing a flaming pearl around the otherwise undecorated body, illustrated in ibid, p. 161, no. 239.
See another yellow jade vase from the Mary and George Bloch Collection, sold in Sotheby's Hong Kong, 23 October 2005, lot 73, which is of flattened gu shape and undecorated apart from two chilong on either side of the neck.
See another yellow jade vase from the Mary and George Bloch Collection, sold in Sotheby's Hong Kong, 23 October 2005, lot 73, which is of flattened gu shape and undecorated apart from two chilong on either side of the neck.