Lot Essay
This is one of a number of this model carried by the bodyguard of Hartschiere of the Emperor Rudolf II and documented as having been made in Augsburg by the cutler Oswald Salzhuber and etched by Hans Stromaier (circa 1524/5-1583). A full-scale colour-washed pen and ink drawing of one survives in the Vienna archives. As they are individually numbered it is known that at least seventy-four were made, this being the highest number recorded (in the Leibrstkammer, Vienna).
The Habsburg court had two types of bodyguards: the Hartschiere (from the French archiers) who carried glaives, were noblemen; the Trabanten, who carried halberds, were commoners (see the catalogue to the exhibition, Welt im Umbruch. Augsburg zwischen Renaissance und Barock, vol. 2, Augsburg, 1980, pp. 520-3).
The Habsburg court had two types of bodyguards: the Hartschiere (from the French archiers) who carried glaives, were noblemen; the Trabanten, who carried halberds, were commoners (see the catalogue to the exhibition, Welt im Umbruch. Augsburg zwischen Renaissance und Barock, vol. 2, Augsburg, 1980, pp. 520-3).