KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)
KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)
The vase has a long cylindrical neck rising from a bulbous body, with two pierced oval sections to the foot. It is covered in a rich raspberry-red glaze, thinning to white at the mouth rim and stopping neatly at the foot. The base is inscribed in gilt with a poem, ending with a Qianlong yiwei cyclical date.
8 5/8 in. (21.8 cm.) high
KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)
The vase has a long cylindrical neck rising from a bulbous body, with two pierced oval sections to the foot. It is covered in a rich raspberry-red glaze, thinning to white at the mouth rim and stopping neatly at the foot. The base is inscribed in gilt with a poem, ending with a Qianlong yiwei cyclical date.
8 5/8 in. (21.8 cm.) high
Brought to you by
Kate Hunt
Director, Head of Department