A pair of Otto Prutscher wine glasses, one with cylindrical bowl abov facetted square section stem and circular foot, the clear glass cased in turquoise, the bowl cut with a geometric design of dots arranged in four rows within a linear grid pattern, the other with waisted cylindrical bowl above similar stem and foot, the clear glass cased in turquoise, the bowl cut with a band of ovals between two double rows of squares

A pair of Otto Prutscher wine glasses, one with cylindrical bowl abov facetted square section stem and circular foot, the clear glass cased in turquoise, the bowl cut with a geometric design of dots arranged in four rows within a linear grid pattern, the other with waisted cylindrical bowl above similar stem and foot, the clear glass cased in turquoise, the bowl cut with a band of ovals between two double rows of squares
21.8cm.high (2)

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