A Regence ormolu-mounted and brass-inlaid tortoiseshell boulle marquetry bracket clock
By Gribelin
Inlaid overall with acanthus scrolls and arabesques, the circular enamelled dial with roman chapters, within an arched case with maiden busts to the corners and a charriot to the base, the arched hood surmounted by a classical maiden, on panelled spreading feet, the tapering bracket mounted with foliage anfd rockwork, restorations and remounted
143cm. high x 49cm. wide x 21cm. deep
By Gribelin
Inlaid overall with acanthus scrolls and arabesques, the circular enamelled dial with roman chapters, within an arched case with maiden busts to the corners and a charriot to the base, the arched hood surmounted by a classical maiden, on panelled spreading feet, the tapering bracket mounted with foliage anfd rockwork, restorations and remounted
143cm. high x 49cm. wide x 21cm. deep